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Jan 173 min read
Public pressure led to release of 5 abductees, now let police account
Justice Jairus's ruling on ex-Police IG Japhet Koome’s culpabilityand next week's "Baby Pendo" hearing could be pivotal for police reforms

Jan 43 min read
The tragic climax of enforced disappearances looms
The national crisis over the enforced disappearances unfolded dramatically in three courts, what might be the climax of this Kenyan tragedy?

Dec 29, 20243 min read
Kenyan state must stop Christmas abductions
Several enforced disappearances crushed the Christmas spirit for many Kenyans this week. Many are wondering what happens next?

Nov 16, 20243 min read
Femicide is not homicide and we need new actions urgently
With the substantial spike in femicide cases, it is time for new agencies and actors to join the faithful feminists to stop them

Nov 9, 20243 min read
Selective police reporting will not reverse recent abductions, injuries and deaths
Selective police reporting will not reverse abductions, injuries and deaths. To avoid impunity, we need a more honest break with the past.

Oct 4, 20243 min read
"Orders from above" is gangrene to Kenya
Recent events have left me reflecting on the growing danger for state officers in important constitutional offices and our democracy.

Sep 21, 20243 min read
Police reforms needed to earn Kenyan's confidence
A day before President Ruto launched new terms and conditions for the police, prisons and national youth service on Wednesday 18...

Aug 31, 20243 min read
Kenya needs effective commissions to check presidency
Four commissions end-term performance reports offers citizens and state officers a moment for reviewing their human rights impact.

Jul 26, 20243 min read
What lies ahead of the new Police leadership?
1 in 2 Kenyans still believe that there was no equality under the law. Can we expect any difference from the new police leadership?

Jul 19, 20243 min read
Resist repetitive compulsive disorder and act
Lets go beyond repetitive compulsion disorder and approach the current tensions differently.

Jul 6, 20243 min read
Saba Saba, Gen Z and the third liberation
Led by the anti-colonial generation and Generation X, Saba Saba Day was pivotal. What is the significance of the Gen Z movement today?

Jun 29, 20243 min read
Military must operate within the bill of rights
Now Kenyan courts have declared the military deployment is legal to protect life and property, what standards must be upheld?
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